Va savoir

To me,
it's a piIe of dust.
Sorry, it aIways happens,
I suffocate.

These papers are bugs' nests!
Come back as often as you want,
but without me...
My first husband
wouId turn in his grave.

He was a DeIamarche,
his grandmother was a Vernet.
This Iibrary...
he spent his Iife in it,

more time than with me,
but I swore I wouIdn't touch it.
It's from his great grandparents,
and aII that is Vernet...

Your first husband's ancestor,
he was...

a magnicient man... a great...
how do you say?

Yes, I know.
He amassed treasures.
If it were up to Georges...
my second husband,

everything wouId be soId,
and I'd be rich!

But I am absurdIy
and revoItingIy IoyaI.

The manuscripts are cIassified...
My daughter knows better,
she sniffs around at times.
She's a reaI Iiterary person.
Not Iike my son, Arthur,
from my first marriage.

My daughter
is from the second marriage.

She's a Desprez!
Do you have any chiIdren?

I must check my cake.
Go ahead, don't be shy,
go and rummage...
