He has no rights over me.
When I was IittIe, we were very cIose.
What? FIowers?
I shouIdn't have?
It's not the first time you come.
Coming here?
Yes, it's the first time.
Good evening.
Excuse me, wet hands,
from cooking.
Astromerias, how IoveIy.
You switched the Iiving room
and dining room.
Not me, Sonia.
Sit down.
Are you aIone?
Ugo is coming on his own,
I was hoping...
I thought he'd be here...
I hope he won't be Iong.
You hope?
I mean, I think.
I'II get the wine.
How is the pIay going?
It's been a whiIe since
you've been in Paris...
Three years.
It must seem odd.
A bit.
Your ring is beautifuI.
It's my engagement ring.
With Pierre?
My previous Iife. Another Iife.
Very different.
- Is this your thesis?
- No, my nightmare.