Things come and go.
May I heIp?
We don't need you.
Let us work.
I'm watching over you.
I had a sIeepIess night,
I was cIeaned out,
I'm dead. I need consoIation.
- You know each other?
- Yes, we met yesterday.
And you? You know each other?
What's it to you?
I'II have coffee in the kitchen.
I need to taIk to you.
He bugs me.
I think I bug him too.
It's not you.
It's you being with me.
He's not my brother,
he's my haIf-brother.
He has no rights over me.
When I was IittIe, we were very cIose.
What? FIowers?
I shouIdn't have?
It's not the first time you come.
Coming here?
Yes, it's the first time.
Good evening.
Excuse me, wet hands,
from cooking.
Astromerias, how IoveIy.
You switched the Iiving room
and dining room.
Not me, Sonia.
Sit down.
Are you aIone?
Ugo is coming on his own,
I was hoping...
I thought he'd be here...
I hope he won't be Iong.