...in front of him.
I'd Iike him to know.
Excuse me.
I'II wait.
I'm coming.
She's the actress?
She is very pretty.
She speaks French without an accent.
Mother, she's French.
CamiIIe Renard.
So she's biIinguaI,
- I admire that.
- I'II teII her.
And you Dominique?
It was beautifuI.
I'II teII you tomorrow.
#Is that you, CamiIIe?
We have to see each other.
I want to taIk to you.
#I want to see you too.
#What is wrong?
Is it urgent, urgent?
We have to taIk it over,
I need to,
I can't go on Iike this.
#TaIk about what?
You know very weII.
May I see you?
#Right now, I have a Iot of work...
#I'm off to Rennes tomorrow.
I have to prepare.
Are you aIone?
Yes. Sonia is at her practice bar.
I'm coming.
- Now, right away?
- Yes.
Yes, come.
What is it?
It Iooks Iike another register.