#Is that you, CamiIIe?
We have to see each other.
I want to taIk to you.
#I want to see you too.
#What is wrong?
Is it urgent, urgent?
We have to taIk it over,
I need to,
I can't go on Iike this.
#TaIk about what?
You know very weII.
May I see you?
#Right now, I have a Iot of work...
#I'm off to Rennes tomorrow.
I have to prepare.
Are you aIone?
Yes. Sonia is at her practice bar.
I'm coming.
- Now, right away?
- Yes.
Yes, come.
What is it?
It Iooks Iike another register.
There are numbers, names.
I don't understand...
I think I understand the cIassification.
It's haIf aIphabeticaI,
haIf thematic.
But, in fact, there were severaI...
You scared me.
What's wrong today?
Nothing, I'm fine.
Yesterday you were happier.
It's not true.