Happy, sad...
Today you're coId.
Not at aII, I'm not coId.
I am pensive.
Better Iook for what you're Iooking for,
than worry about me.
What did I do?
What did I say?
Nothing, you are...
as you are.
I found it.
I have it, I'm hoIding it!
''II Destino Veneziano''?
Are you sure?
Where is the titIe? There is no titIe.
That's it? It's him?
''Bernardino Perfetti... Sienna.
It's not him.
You Iooked so happy...
The writing, it Iooked so much Iike...
We didn't check everything.
Of course, it must be here.
It shouId be here...
It was here.
Didn't you say things come and go?
CIearIy, things ''go'',
disappear. No?