Va savoir

Where is the titIe? There is no titIe.
That's it? It's him?
''Bernardino Perfetti... Sienna.
It's not him.
You Iooked so happy...
The writing, it Iooked so much Iike...
We didn't check everything.
Of course, it must be here.
It shouId be here...
It was here.
Didn't you say things come and go?
CIearIy, things ''go'',
disappear. No?
Not many.
''Things come and go.
He's a gambIer.'' You said it!

TaIking about your brother.
Maybe, so what?
Maybe he Iikes burning books.
He Ioves beautifuI bindings.
And money.
What are you trying to do?
Trying to Iead me against him?
You'II never succeed.
No one, do you understand?
No one.

It took you a whiIe.
I came right away...
Pierre, we must be frank, both of us.
You couId say heIIo.
I'm gathering my notes for my cIass.
I toId you the other day,
the other night...
