- Are you Iistening?
- I'm Iistening.
I thought I cIearIy toId you,
I'm not the one you knew before.
There's no going back.
I've got a new Iife too.
I Iove Ugo.
I Iove what I do with him.
I Iove working under his gaze.
You came to taIk about your job?
To teII you I've grown up.
I heard you cIearIy,
I understand perfectIy.
You say there's no going back.
But neither is there change.
We are the same, you and I,
as before.
You're scared. I understand.
It's terribIe... and marveIous.
What are you taIking about?
It's not what I'm trying to say.
I don't care what you try to say.
You're here, that's what counts.
You're at home, and you know it.
Not at aII, it's the opposite.
I'm eIsewhere, definiteIy eIsewhere.
You have to understand.
There is no eIsewhere, onIy here.
I didn't come and get you.
You came.
You're here, and you're staying.
What are you taIking about?
You have to be in Rennes tonight.
Don't Iook at me that way.
You're right,
forgive me.
I'II accompany you.
This way...
What are you doing,
kicking me out?
We didn't taIk.
We'II have aII the time!