if I retrieve your ring...
Don't ask me how.
Surprise. Expecting someone eIse?
No, I expect nothing, no one.
Are you aIone, can we taIk?
I have work, but come in.
Why do you want to taIk?
You don't have the sIightest idea?
If it's about CamiIIe,
I have nothing to say.
When you taIk about CamiIIe,
it's my wife.
You have a tendency to forget.
I'm here to remind you.
Ram it into your brain.
Quite a program.
You're funny, you know.
Today, I'm funny.
But a century ago,
for instance in Vienna,
we'd settIe on the Prater
with pistoIs.
I miss those times.
Today, I miss it dearIy.
A dueI to death.
Quite an originaI fantasy.
Don't joke,
I might take you up on it.
- ReaIIy?
- Yes, reaIIy.
I might chaIIenge you. I'd Iove it.
But you don't think it feasibIe.
How convenient.
With pistoIs?
You've prepared something...
Less enthusiastic?
On the contrary.
You make me Iaugh.
You've Iaughed once too many.