Ride at the head
ofourArverne troops...
and represent us proudly
before Caesar.
Why haven'tyour spies...
found the archidruid?
He is my true enemy.
Mosa's daughter Epona
might recognize me.
I saluteyou...
and allies of Rome.
Dumnorix and Litavic...
chieftains ofthe Eduens.
Diviciac, Commios...
the valiant Mosa,
chiefofthe Bellovaques.
I liberated you
from the teutons...
and I broughtyou peace.
Caesar offers pardon to those
who fought against him...
and his friendship...
to those who will serve him.
a rich land...
inhabited by barbarians...
so primitive...
that they paint their faces blue
when they go to war.
Let's invade Britain...