I saluteyou...
and allies of Rome.
Dumnorix and Litavic...
chieftains ofthe Eduens.
Diviciac, Commios...
the valiant Mosa,
chiefofthe Bellovaques.
I liberated you
from the teutons...
and I broughtyou peace.
Caesar offers pardon to those
who fought against him...
and his friendship...
to those who will serve him.
a rich land...
inhabited by barbarians...
so primitive...
that they paint their faces blue
when they go to war.
Let's invade Britain...
and halfthe booty is yours.
I can't go.
Why not?
I get seasick.
the gods are with us,
And I guaranteeyou
the sea will be calm.
Caesar gratefully
accepts your children...
as guarantee
thatyou will be loyal.
princess ofthe Bellovaques...
will take care
oftheyounger ones.
Dumnorix takes hostages.
He doesn't give them. Never. Hmm?