Vidas privadas

...I had heard him cry,
that he would survive.

But I had no
time, she said...

"I'm glad it
was stillborn."

It's very late,
please go, Alejandro.

- Tell me it's not true.
- We had an awful night...

...please go. - For me it's
not late, I want to know.

- I saw the baby...
- Please, that's nonsense!

- Please, Ana, leave.
- What is he saying?

Your father has just died,
please go with the family.

That night I couldn't sleep, I
kept hearing the baby's cries.

- Is this your
father? - Yes.

What a beautiful place.
It's Villaguay, my
parents live there.

How old were you here?
Seven or eight, I think.
No, I don't remember.
What trees are these?
