She knew she was pregnant
as soon as she was kidnaped.
I never knew anything.
And I spent 10
months with her.
It was a premature birth,
but the baby was born alive.
It even cried, although very
few premature babies cry.
That night I didn't sleep.
I heard Carmen cry from
the bottom of my cell.
They sent for me...
...I was finishing
my career...
...and they used me to
check on the prisoners.
I remember I thought...
..."it will survive".
When I got there Carmen
was completely lucid.
Her eyes were wide open...
...as if she were blind.
I approached her. I
wanted to tell her that...
...I had heard him cry,
that he would survive.
But I had no
time, she said...
"I'm glad it
was stillborn."
It's very late,
please go, Alejandro.
- Tell me it's not true.
- We had an awful night...
...please go. - For me it's
not late, I want to know.
- I saw the baby...
- Please, that's nonsense!
- Please, Ana, leave.
- What is he saying?
Your father has just died,
please go with the family.
That night I couldn't sleep, I
kept hearing the baby's cries.