To say yes to one instant...
is to say yes
to all of existence.
The main character is
what you might call "the mind."
It's mastery,
it's capacity to represent.
Throughout history,
attempts have been made...
to contain those experiences which
happen at the edge of the limit...
where the mind
is vulnerable.
But I think we are in
a very significant moment in history.
Those moments, those what
you might call liminal,
Limit, frontier,
edge zone experiences...
are actually now
becoming the norm.
These multiplicities
and distinctions and differences...
that have given great
difficulty to the old mind...
are actually through entering
into their very essence,
tasting and feeling
their uniqueness.
One might make a breakthrough
to that common something...
that holds them together.
And so the main character is,
to this new mind,
greater, greater mind.
A mind that yet is to be.
And when we are obviously
entered into that mode,
you can see
a radical subjectivity,
radical attunement to individuality,
uniqueness to that which the mind is,
opens itself
to a vast objectivity.
So the story is
the story of the cosmos now.
The moment is not just a passing,
empty nothing yet.
And this is in the way
in which these secret passages happen.
Yes, it's empty
with such fullness...
that the great moment,
the great life of the universe...
is pulsating in it.
And each one, each object,
each place, each act...