The young doctor, like the senior scholar...
prefers research to humanity.
At the same time...
the senior scholar,
in her pathetic state as simpering victim...
wishes the young doctor would take
more interest in personal contact.
Now, I suppose we shall see
how the senior scholar...
ruthlessly denied
her simpering students...
the touch of human kindness
she now seeks.
How, then...
would you characterize... You!
How would you characterize
the animating force of this sonnet?
In this sonnet, what is the...
What is the principal poetic device?
I'll give you a hint:
It has nothing to do with football.
What propels this sonnet?
You can come to this class prepared,
or you can be excused from this class...
this department, and this university.
Do not think for a moment
that I will tolerate anything in between.
Did I say:
"You are 19 years old. You are so young.
"You don't know a sonnet
from a steak sandwich."
By no means.
To scan the line properly...
we must take advantage
of the contemporary flexibility...
in "i-o-n" endings, as in "expansion."
The quatrain stands:
"Our two souls therefore, which are one