lf somebody told me
this was the rest of my life
l think l'd kill myself
right now.
This isn't the rest
of your life.
This is right now.
Yeah, well, right now
my friends are
out somewhere else
and they're having a great time.
Your old friends.
l'm just blowing off steam.
l'm sorry, all right?
So what's up
with the Larkin kid, huh?
Apparently he had
a car waiting-- a CTS Limo.
lt was supposed to take him
to the airport.
He never got in.
Never used the airline tickets.
The girlfriend says he's back.
What's this girl like, Wade?
What do you mean?
ls she a nice girl?
What do you think? Yeah.
What about you, Wade?
Are you smart?
Harrison is
a responsible young man
and we know he holds you
in high regard.
He thinks of you
as a confidante.
This is so unlike him.
We're obviously very worried.
lf there's anything at all
you could tell us...
l don't know where Harrison is.
l'm as worried as you are.
This is difficult for me to ask
and in no way
am l impugning you.
Was Harrison using drugs?
He missed his father's birthday.
Can you think of anyone
he might have gone to visit...
any new friends...
people we don't know about?
Uh, Harrison doesn't even
drink coffee.
He worries about damaging
the instrument.
We're grasping for anything.
l'm sure that there is...
some explanation.
What do you think you're doing?
Finding you.
Do you know where Harrison is?