We're obviously very worried.
lf there's anything at all
you could tell us...
l don't know where Harrison is.
l'm as worried as you are.
This is difficult for me to ask
and in no way
am l impugning you.
Was Harrison using drugs?
He missed his father's birthday.
Can you think of anyone
he might have gone to visit...
any new friends...
people we don't know about?
Uh, Harrison doesn't even
drink coffee.
He worries about damaging
the instrument.
We're grasping for anything.
l'm sure that there is...
some explanation.
What do you think you're doing?
Finding you.
Do you know where Harrison is?
The tree-hugger?
l don't really keep tabs on him.
Have you seen him lately?
Wouldn't you like to know.
You piss me off
like nobody else, you know that?
What you going to do about it?
l want you to come away with me
to the country house.
Where is Harrison?
l'll tell you
at the country house.
Sure he was in love with her.
Harrison's a good guy.
He mooned around,
but he was sweet.
He got his name
on scientific papers
when he was about 12.
So, what did he know
about anything?
Do you think it was odd
that he still liked a girl
who hadn't shown him any real
interest in over two years?
l thought it was
the opposite of odd.
Guys are drawn to her
like bugs around a bug lamp.
For four years, l've had
the privilege of watching it.