...one peperomia,
nine orchid varieties.
You know,
about 130 plants all told.
Which my colleagues here
removed from the swamp.
You're aware it's illegal to remove plants
or animals from state-owned land?
Yeah, and don't forget...
...these plants are all endangered, sir.
Every one of them.
Well, exactly. That's exactly the issue.
This is a state preserve.
Yes, sir. It is.
- But...
- My colleagues are all Seminole Indians.
Did I mention that?
You're familiar, I'm sure...
...with the State of Florida
v. James E. Billie?
So you know that even though Seminole
Chief Billie killed a Florida panther...
...one of what, 40 in the entire world?
- Forty.
- Forty.
The state couldn't successfully
prosecute him...
...because, you know, he's an Indian,
and it's his right.
As repugnant as you and I, as white
conservationists, might find his actions.
- But...
- Not to mention the failed attempts...
...on three occasions to prosecute
Seminoles for poaching palm fronds.
Which I believe they use to thatch
the roofs of their traditional chickee huts.
How about that?
With the chickee huts, right?
Yeah, he's right. That's exactly what
we use them for. Chickee huts.
Yeah, but I don't...
I can't let you fellas leave yet.
- Just hold on there a minute.
- Okay.
Charles, is that you?
Did you eat lunch?
I had that shrimp cocktail in the fridge.
Was it yours?
I hope not. I couldn't remember,
so I ate it.
Maybe we should write our names
on our food items from now on.
- What's with you?
- My back.
Charles, you'll be glad. I have a plan
to get me out of your house, pronto.
- A job is a plan. Is your plan a job?
- Drum roll, please.