
Which I believe they use to thatch
the roofs of their traditional chickee huts.

How about that?
With the chickee huts, right?

Yeah, he's right. That's exactly what
we use them for. Chickee huts.

Yeah, but I don't...
I can't let you fellas leave yet.
- Just hold on there a minute.
- Okay.

Charles, is that you?
Did you eat lunch?
I had that shrimp cocktail in the fridge.
Was it yours?

I hope not. I couldn't remember,
so I ate it.

Maybe we should write our names
on our food items from now on.

- What's with you?
- My back.

Charles, you'll be glad. I have a plan
to get me out of your house, pronto.

- A job is a plan. Is your plan a job?
- Drum roll, please.

I'm gonna be a screenwriter.
Like you.

I know you think this is just
one of my "get rich quick" schemes...

...but I'm doing it right this time.
I'm taking a three-day seminar,
and it's only 500 bucks.

Screenwriting seminars are bullshit.
In theory, I agree with you.
But this one's different.

This one's highly regarded
in the industry.

Donald, don't say "industry."
I'm sorry. I forgot.
Charles, this guy knows screenwriting.
People come from all over
to study with him.

- I'll pay you back as soon as l...
- Let me explain something.

Anybody who says he's got "the answer"
is going to attract desperate people...

:10:35 it in the world of religion...
I just need to lie down
while you explain this to me.

Sorry. I apologize.
Okay, go ahead.
- So...
- Sorry. Okay. Go.

There are no rules, Donald.
And anybody who says there are
is just, you know...

Not rules. Principles.
McKee writes that a rule says,
"You must do it this way."

A principle says, "This works
and has through all remembered time."
