Here we are.
What are you up to now, then?
l should probably get to bed.
l have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Well, good night, then.
l would stay out.
lt's just that l've really been struggling
on the script right now.
l've been thinking about it too small,
just writing it like a story about Laroche.
That's not enough. l mean,
l wanted to write about flowers.
Anyway, l can't figure it out, and l
haven't been sleeping very well lately...
...so l thought l should get home...
...and try to get a good night's sleep,
you know. Start fresh in the morning.
Otherwise, l'd stay out.
l understand. l hope you figure it out,
Charlie. l really do.
Thanks. Thanks for coming out
with me and everything.
Sure, it was fun.
So l have to go to Santa Barbara next
weekend for this orchid show up there.
l thought maybe you could come.
No, l....
l don't think l can make it
next weekend.
l don't think l can.
l've got something. Sorry.
So, well, okay, then.
So good night, then.
Good night, Charlie.
Why didn't I go in?
I'm such a chick en.
I'm such an idiot. I should have
kissed her. I've blown it.
I should just go and knock
on her door right now and kiss her.
It would be romantic. Something
we could someday tell our kids.
I'm gonna do that right now.
-Thanks for picking me up.
-This van's a piece of shit.
But when l hit the jackpot,
l'll buy myself an awesome car.
Hey, what are you driving?