l thought maybe you could come.
No, l....
l don't think l can make it
next weekend.
l don't think l can.
l've got something. Sorry.
So, well, okay, then.
So good night, then.
Good night, Charlie.
Why didn't I go in?
I'm such a chick en.
I'm such an idiot. I should have
kissed her. I've blown it.
I should just go and knock
on her door right now and kiss her.
It would be romantic. Something
we could someday tell our kids.
I'm gonna do that right now.
-Thanks for picking me up.
-This van's a piece of shit.
But when l hit the jackpot,
l'll buy myself an awesome car.
Hey, what are you driving?
lt's-- Well, it's a rental.
-lt's a Lumina.
l think l'll get one of those too.
Here we go.
Where do these people learn
to drive, huh?
The world's insane.
So l was impressed to hear...
...how accomplished you are
in the world of horticulture.
The thing you gotta know is...
...my whole life is looking for
a goddamn profitable plant, see?
And that's the ghost.
Why the ghost orchid?
Well, the sucker's rare. You know?
And l'm the only one in the world
who knows how to cultivate it.
See, the idea was, get the lndians
to pull it from the swamp.
l researched it. Long as l don't touch
the plant, Florida can't touch us.
And l stop future poaching by making
the flowers readily available in stores.
l'm a hero, the flowers are saved...
...Laroche and nature win.