the software and get it back on-line.
Yes, but you need two things to get on Echelon.
The software and an access point.
Software is like a map, it leads you
to the doorway of the system.
The access point is the door, most
likely a satellite. If we can find the door
Cuvee went through and lock it,
he won't get on, not even with Marshall's help.
The problem is diagnostics has run a
comprehensive system analysis and
they can't find the breach.
Your mother thinks Cuvee may have
used a Russian network to make contact --
their version of Echelon called Swarm.
She told you that?
I spoke to her. She thinks she can find
the back door but she has... terms.
If you want to know where Cuvee breached
the system, it'll take time but I could
do it if I were given access to Echelon,
no restrictions.
Kendall will never give that to you.
Then I would simply ask you to inform
Mr. Kendall that the technicians he'll
assign to do the job will discover
it is like quicksand.
Your father was correct. I declined
the offer. Second to only Arvin Sloane,
Irina Derevko is the last person
I want having access to the
US government's secure network.
She'd be watched. I mean, if she tried
anything unusual, we could just shut
the system down--
No. Access to computers and telecommunications
equipment is specifically prohibited
by your mother's immunity agreement.
I think we might be wasting time.
Agent Bristow, we hire qualified
technicians around here.
What do you say we give them a shot?
Your countermission is simple:
in Vietnam you'll download the data
packets SD-6 is looking for and
switch it with this.
It's corrupted data. We'll have what SD-6
needs and they'll never be able to
access Echelon. And Syd, we'll find Marshall.
I will ask you one more time...
where is the Echelon software
you took from us?
I swear on my mother's grave,
I don't know.
And though technically Mom's still alive,
she has picked out her gravesite, so--
Refusal to cooperate has a price.