I want having access to the
US government's secure network.
She'd be watched. I mean, if she tried
anything unusual, we could just shut
the system down--
No. Access to computers and telecommunications
equipment is specifically prohibited
by your mother's immunity agreement.
I think we might be wasting time.
Agent Bristow, we hire qualified
technicians around here.
What do you say we give them a shot?
Your countermission is simple:
in Vietnam you'll download the data
packets SD-6 is looking for and
switch it with this.
It's corrupted data. We'll have what SD-6
needs and they'll never be able to
access Echelon. And Syd, we'll find Marshall.
I will ask you one more time...
where is the Echelon software
you took from us?
I swear on my mother's grave,
I don't know.
And though technically Mom's still alive,
she has picked out her gravesite, so--
Refusal to cooperate has a price.
No, no, no, no, no.
We can find your mother.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
I sent the Echelon software to SD-6.
There's nothing I can do about that,
I swear. But-but I saw the code. All of it.
And I have a photographic memory so
I can recreate it. I can rewrite it.
Just don't hurt my mother, please.
You leave my mother alone.
We're off to a very good start.