I'll need to send an access code.
How will we know you're not
signaling your operation?
You won't.
Do it.
Looks clean.
Slow it down, two hundred per cent.
It's still good. If this was faked,
it's the best job l've ever seen.
Is this the last of the surveillance feeds?
Karachi, lstanbul, Taipei...
yeah, that's it.
I think you should see this.
yes, yes, we should have full
access to Echelon in a matter of hours.
Forensic report.
Okay, Alain. Yes, l'll let you know
as soon as we're fully operational.
Yes, absolutely. Merci, au revoir.
Brain matter was found in the barrel
of one of Jack Bristow's service pistols.
According to the munition log,
he checked out a Glock 19 compact for one day,
reported a single accidental
discharge and no casualties.
I thought you were here to invesigate
the events surrounding my wife's death.
The day Bristow checked out this weapon,
killed someone with it, and covered it up,
was the day your wife was murdered.
Do you have enough cells to do a DNA profile?
Already being done.
Well, if it matches with Emily,
I want you to let me know immediately.
Of course.