Aro Tolbukhin. En la mente del asesino

There wasn't much enthusiasm
to defend ToIbukhin.

I saw it as a professionaI chaIIenge.
I was younger then.
I defended anyone
for the experience

and the chaIIenge of
decIaring them innocent.

ToIbukhin, in his confession
before the court said:
''I have kiIIed 1 7 other women.''
And he added this detail:
The women were pregnant.
And all these 1 7 women,
were kiIIed in the Iast 1 2 years,
whiIe he traveIIed the worId
as a merchant marine.
He says he burned them.
But when two of the women's
bodies were exhumed,

pIastics bags were found
on their heads.

And traces of gamezan in their hair.
Gamezan was used by
the miIitary during the war

to make peopIe confess.
The women had no signs of burns.
The women had died
from other causes.

The Hungarian consuIate
in Mexico toId us that

they had records of
an Aro ToIbukhin.

We identified him
in Guatemala as Aro Tolbukhin.

But this information didn't match
what Tolbukhin told us
about himself and his family.

He wasn't telling the truth.
Not even about his own identity.
Why did you choose
pregnant women?

They say you didn't
kiII those women.

Who knows better than I do?
Why did you burn them?
Did you have a reason?
