to make peopIe confess.
The women had no signs of burns.
The women had died
from other causes.
The Hungarian consuIate
in Mexico toId us that
they had records of
an Aro ToIbukhin.
We identified him
in Guatemala as Aro Tolbukhin.
But this information didn't match
what Tolbukhin told us
about himself and his family.
He wasn't telling the truth.
Not even about his own identity.
Why did you choose
pregnant women?
They say you didn't
kiII those women.
Who knows better than I do?
Why did you burn them?
Did you have a reason?
He maintained at aII times
that he'd not onIy kiIIed
7 peopIe at the Mission,
but aIso 1 7 other victims.
Our defense
had no effect.
He aIways kept to
his same confession.
Why didn't you aIIow
your Iawyer
to defend you on the grounds
of mentaI incapacity?
Because I'm not insane.
Do you think your sentence is fair?
What do you want to know?
If I deserve to be kiIIed?
I don't think he kiIIed
those 1 7 women.
There are too many contradictions.
Judging by the personaIity
that he showed us,
he suffered from serious deIusions.
I think he invented aII of that.
According to Dr. Barrios,