l am a junior at
the National Board of Health.
My card.
Do you know any of the
Medical-legal Council experts?
Frank Riber. A neurosurgeon at
the Bispebjerg if he hasn't retired.
Did he use to work in Århus?
l don't know.
But it'd be easy to check.
Yes ... and Svend Bjerre?
Yes, he's Professor of Radiology
in Århus.
And Peter Bondesen?
Former chair of
the Danish Cancer Society.
And he used to be a pathologist
at Århus County Hospital.
Did he?
- Yes, he did.
Enjoy your lunch.
Dad, all the patients
who were given Thorotrast ...
What would have happened
if you hadn't used it?
We wouldn't have been
able to perform surgery.
- They would have died.
Of their haemorrhages,
tumours, or whatever was wrong.
That's why l don't understand you.
You had no choice.
No. But in every single case
l was the one who decided.
With what we know today, in some
cases l might have acted differently.
That's why l must
review all these old files.
This woman
... we operated on her in 1945.
What was the indication?
- Where does it say?
There's always an indication
for an operation ... in red.
Cave iodine ...
- No, the indication! ln red!
l don't think the pages
are in numerical order.
That's the damned thing about it.
l can't see a thing.