Meanwhile l'd got stuck
in my medical studies -
- because l'd dreamed of
being a great scientist.
This was
thanks to Aunt Johanne.
She suffered from
pernicious anaemia.
ln those days
they prescribed raw liver.
But l was sure the stomach
was involved.
So l asked for permission
to experiment -
- by removing parts
of canine stomachs -
- to see if the dogs
developed pernicious anaemia.
l'd like to conduct
the experiments myself.
But of course l'd need help.
- You know canine surgery?
No, but l'd study canine anatomy
and practice on dead dogs first.
Lundgaard, ever
done canine surgery?
Not on the stomach.
But l'd be happy to assist Malmros.
How long would
we observe the dogs?
Six months, with blood tests
every three days or so.
Malmros sounds Swedish; are you
related to the Bishop of Lund?
No ... my grandfather
came from Sweden.
What does your father do?
- He is dead.
He worked at Esbjerg docks.
- Oh, an engineer, eh?
No, he was a docker.
Right, that will do.
Where did you learn your surgery?
As a student
l've assisted many times.
But you've never performed any?
- No, not so far.
That method of laying out the
pancreatic duct onto the skin ...
Where did you acquire it?
- lt was my own idea.
ls it wrong?
- No, it looks quite right.
At any rate on a dog!
Paresis, atrophy ...
- Of course.
And something important?
... positive Laseque.
lt's no good, Richard.
You're way behind.