Ulla came by with a letter.
She says she can't come.
She says she has to revise.
l'm not fine enough.
What about your girlfriend
from Regens Hall?
She's a good friend.
Not a girlfriend.
Es ist eine alte Geschichte,
und bleibt sie immer neue.
One of my dogs is ill.
- Pernicious anaemia?
No, 'fraid not.
What are we wearing?
Black tie ...
or a tuxedo if you have one.
l have a dark suit.
l'm sure it will do.
Do you want to borrow something?
Good evening ... Do excuse me.
There's a ball in hall tonight.
But l'm worried
about one of our dogs.
l think it's dying.
- Malmros, l ...
l think we should
stop this experiment.
lt's not getting anywhere.
- No.
Are you disappointed?
Yes ...
Tell me,
when do you qualify?
This winter if l can make it.
lf not, next summer.
l ask because of an inquiry from
Mr. Busch, the consultant, -