Implacable, immovable,
Two words you taught me.
I'll try using them
on our next dates.
Bye. Lots of love.
Oh, it's Miguel.
This wall
was always yellow.
How could you
paint it blue?
I wanted green, but
the painter made a mistake.
Didn't you complain?
Why? It looks elegant.
You have to let go
of the past.
-Move on, child.
-Let me carry this,
it must be heavy.
Leave it to me.
And you exercise every day?
You know, Gran, I dated a guy
from the Honeymoon agency.
Did you follow the rules?
Sort of. He's nice,
has an honest face.
But it's a bit scary.
He is very different from me.
You can't be so choosy.
Hasn't it been a year. . .
Almost, but you should
have seen him. A total Arab.
Studied very little, then
went to work with dates.
-What do I do with dates?
-A pie. I have a great recipe.
Don't you know Arabs
are great lovers?
-Just kidding.
Everybody is the same.
After a while you notice
his irritating habits.
After a year, everything that
was magic turns into annoyance.