l'm goin' to bed.
You can stay
in the guest house, l guess.
- Thank you.
- lt's been a ridiculous day.
What's going on?
l know this sack o' shit.
This sack of shit is my husband!
Sh! Now, you want me to take care
of this problem once and for all?
- Seriously? - Seriously.
Why don't you go back to bed..
..and let me do my job.
Do you have a shovel downstairs?
- A shovel? - Yes,
something l can dig a hole with.
Ah! Ah!
What the hell is going on?
Who the hell are you?
Who the hell is this?
Do you have a boyfriend already?
This is Frankie.
He's my bodyguard.
Look. Who are you
and what is that smell?
- lt's Brut.
- Well, it's overwhelming.
Ma'am, you don't have
to tell him anything.
Hey. You cannot talk to me
in my house like that.
lt's her house.
l have to talk to you.
- Does he have to be here?
- He's just doing his job.
l am your husband!
Do you mind? Please?
Sorry, Kipster.