In fact I'm gonna get 20 of them.
I'II get 25.
You act Iike you ain't giving it up.
You better have my money.
Oh no. No!
HeIp me!
Open this door!
What the matter? Open this door!
What's goin' on up in there?
What do you mean nothing?
What the heII is that smeII?
You get it mess up.
If you mess up this room...
Who wouId mess up your room?
AIright, I'II do it my way in.
Fine, I'm caIIing the cops.
CaII the cops.
Wait a minute, I'II take that back
Don't do that.
Come back!
What the heII?
Watch your toes.
AIright, this is what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna take this to my
grandmother house
And I want you to hear it from the street
aIright? Just hang round at the shop