What do you mean nothing?
What the heII is that smeII?
You get it mess up.
If you mess up this room...
Who wouId mess up your room?
AIright, I'II do it my way in.
Fine, I'm caIIing the cops.
CaII the cops.
Wait a minute, I'II take that back
Don't do that.
Come back!
What the heII?
Watch your toes.
AIright, this is what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna take this to my
grandmother house
And I want you to hear it from the street
aIright? Just hang round at the shop
Are you sure you can handIe that?
Can I go and change my drawers first?
When you're at the barber shop.
You keep your mouth shut.
I want you to be inquisitive
Yes, inqusitive.
I'm taIking bIack power baby
I'm taIking about afro
I'm taIking about bIack fish
Maybe not.
The panters, you got to
give it up to them?
You give it to Martine Luther King,
Jessie Jackson
And you got to give it to Rose Parker.
The civiI right.
You got it aII.
Eddie you know Rose Parker.
The man he retired.
What do you do when you retired?
You sit in the chair...