Fuckin' A,
that was better than sex.
Just shut the fuck up.
Did you see the look
on that guy's face?
You put the fear
of God in him, man.
The fear of gods.
l went jihad on his ass, man.
You see this blood on me, man?
lt's not my blood.
Did you see his face
when we worked on him?
lt was like...
Fuck, man, when you
pulled out that gun,
it was fucking awesome.
That was, like, boom!
Right in your face.
He probably pissed himself
right then
in front of all his homies.
Not me, man.
l was going off.
l felt so... l felt like
surging through my body.
How smooth was that?
Man, you had fucking balls!
That was fucking smooth!
The next minute, the gun
was right in his face,
and l was going off--
ah, yeah!
lf my dad finds out,
he's going to kill me.
Man, l'm going to juvie!
By Monday, the word had spread
and pretty much everyone
knew about it.