The next minute, the gun
was right in his face,
and l was going off--
ah, yeah!
lf my dad finds out,
he's going to kill me.
Man, l'm going to juvie!
By Monday, the word had spread
and pretty much everyone
knew about it.
l was sure the cops were gonna
come and get us that morning...
but it never happened.
Meeting today at 3:00.
We have to do this chem test.
lt's a big one,
about a hundred students.
Hi, guys.
Ben, can l talk to you?
He's fuckin' whupped already.
What's up?
l just talked to Steve.
He said you're taking me
to the formal.
You're fucking with me, right?
He said that you guys agreed
to have you take me
to the formal.
He did ask, l didn't agree.