Bunã Astrid. Adam Sandler
a sunat sã aranjeze un prânz.
I-am trimis niºte flori lui Meg Ryan
pentru cã pãrea cam rãcitã.
Oh, ºi þi-am programat un masaj
la 3:00.
Arãþi de parcã þi-ar prinde bine
puþin timp pentru tine.
Mulþumesc, bunule strãin.
Ce pot sã spun, Kaylee?
Ãsta-i Hollywood-ul, Kaylee.
E oraºul unde peºtii se mãnâncã între ei.
Joacã dupã propriile lor reguli.
Asta înseamnã cã mergem acasã?
Mergem acasã... dupã ce Wolf admite cã
mi-a furat povestea.
Nu vreau sã par pesimistã dar,
nu cumva am aflat cã Wolf nu va
admite adevãrul?
- O sã-l admitã.
- Cum?
- Pentru cã-i am viaþa în mânã.
- Grozav, acum ºi furãm.
Nu furãm. Împrumutãm.
Am codurile de alarmã ale lui Wolf,
numerele cãrþilor de credit, orarul lui.
- ªi?
- ªi e grozav.
Lasã-mã o zi ºi o sã-mi dau seama
cum sã folosim asta împotriva lui.
Nu ºtiu, Jas.
Hey, Astrid. Adam Sandler
called to set up a lunch.
I sent some flowers
to Meg Ryan 'cause she
sounded like she had a cold.
Oh, and I scheduled
a deep body massage for you at 3:.00.
You look like you can use
a little "you" time.
Thank you, kind stranger.
What can I say?.
This is Hollywood, Kaylee.
It's a fish-eat-fish town.
They play by their own rules out here.
Does that mean we're going home?.
We're going home... as soon as
Wolf admits he stole my story.
I'm not trying to be negative,
but didn't we just find out Wolf
isn't going to admit the truth?.
He'll do it.
'Cause I have his life
in the palm of my hand.
Great, so we're stealing now.
We're not stealing.
We're borrowing.
I've got Wolf's alarm codes,
credit card numbers, his schedule.
So this is awesome.
Give me one day and I'll figure out
a way to use this info against him.
I don't know,Jas.