Big Trouble

With what?
Woman; 91 1 operator.
-- This is Eliot Arnold.

Well, I can only do
a slipknot, a double
knot, and a --

What do you call it?
The bowman.

What do you want?
You going for eagle scout?
Tie 'em up.

Baptist church
two blocks over.

FBl Agent Pat Greer.
Alan Seitz.

How can I help FBl?
Well, you can tell FBl
where the suitcase is, lvan.

-- my name is John.
-- Sure it is.

Your name is John,
and you're just a hardworking,

small immigrant businessman,

running a shithole bar
where you customers.

-- Bad location.
-- Yes, it is.

I'd like to take a look around
the back room right there,

the one
with all the locks.

You have warrant?
Ain't that heartwarming?
You know, the way
a man can come here
from another country,

and in just a short time
here in America,

he has embraced our way
of living to the point

where he wants to know
if we got a warrant.

Don't that just
warm the cockles of
your heart, Agent Seitz?

It warms the shit
out of my cockles.

My cockles are burning.
We don't need a warrant.
You see,
we're operating under --

What's that thing called
we're operating under again,
Agent Seitz?

Special Executive Order

That's it -- Special
Executive Order 768-04,
which basically means that,

if it's a matter
of national security,

we can send a search
party and a Doberman
pinscher up your ass.

I want lawyer.
Did you hear that,
Agent Seitz?

[ lmitating John ]
He want lawyer.

[ Normal voice ]
As is his right
under our Constitution,

which we hold sacred.
Want me to shoot him
in the forehead?

-- Yeah, go ahead.
-- [ Gun cocks ]

Just playing.
Come here.

my partner wants to shoot you
in the forehead,

which I have
absolutely no doubt
that he can legally do

under Special
Executive Order 768--

-- Dash 04.
-- Dash 04.

Now, me, I'm thinking,
wouldn't it be better
