Ain't that heartwarming?
You know, the way
a man can come here
from another country,
and in just a short time
here in America,
he has embraced our way
of living to the point
where he wants to know
if we got a warrant.
Don't that just
warm the cockles of
your heart, Agent Seitz?
It warms the shit
out of my cockles.
My cockles are burning.
We don't need a warrant.
You see,
we're operating under --
What's that thing called
we're operating under again,
Agent Seitz?
Special Executive Order
That's it -- Special
Executive Order 768-04,
which basically means that,
if it's a matter
of national security,
we can send a search
party and a Doberman
pinscher up your ass.
I want lawyer.
Did you hear that,
Agent Seitz?
[ lmitating John ]
He want lawyer.
[ Normal voice ]
As is his right
under our Constitution,
which we hold sacred.
Want me to shoot him
in the forehead?
-- Yeah, go ahead.
-- [ Gun cocks ]
Just playing.
Come here.
my partner wants to shoot you
in the forehead,
which I have
absolutely no doubt
that he can legally do
under Special
Executive Order 768--
-- Dash 04.
-- Dash 04.
Now, me, I'm thinking,
wouldn't it be better
if you just reached into
your pocket, got the keys,
and showed me around
that back room --
the one
with all the locks.
-- Yes?
-- Hi, mrs. Herk.
Do you mind
if we talk to Jenny
about something that happened
at Bayside tonight?
She's not in trouble,
but it's important
that we talk to her.
-- Oh, Jenny's not here.
-- Do you mind if we come in
for a minute?
No, no.
I-I mean, yes, I mind.
-- I mean --
-- monica.
What do we have here?
If it ain't a Dick
and a Dickless Tracy.
You're making
a big mistake.
[ Sighs ]
Story of my life.
What's happening?
Well, moron number one
is tying up the family.
So take the shot.
Well, I would, but moron
number two just came back
with a couple
of Miami's finest.
-- [ Groans ]
-- Hold on.
Hold it a second.
We have a "Die Hard" situation
developing in the kitchen.
-- What?
-- There's a guy there
in the kitchen.
A guy?
What -- what's he doing?
Well, my guess is he's either
gonna whack 'em
with a rolling pin
or he's gonna bake 'em a cake.
It could go either way
with this crew.
Holy shit!
Betty Crocker's
got a squirt gun.
Let me look.
Forget about it.
This is better
than Pay-Per-View.
There goes the warranty,