I'm sorry you're a fugitive
from justice.
John --
So when you were
a little girl, you know,
running around Russia
with your binoculars on,
did you think,
"When I grow up,
I want to fuck loads
of strange men,
"steal their homes, jobs,
and their dignity,
"but what I really
want to do
"is I want to end up
on my own, flat-broke,
knocked up, bun in the oven,
back to Moscow
on an Aeroflot"?
So tell me, John...
did you say,
"When I grow up,
"what I want is
to still be in this town,
"in this job that I hate,
in a house with ants,
"and a big bag
of pornography,
"and then I'm going to send off
to Russia for a wife,
and she will fall in love
with me"?
What did you expect,
What did you really
expect to happen?
Hey, John, they're looking
for this car.
This is not
a very good plan.