-Good, very good.
-We-We have a cordon
of snipers here, sir,
should the lRA wish
to make a contribution
this afternoon.
Yes, I'm sure they will.
Do you know
where they're going to be?
-Yes, sir.
We are concentrating on the top
of these block of flats
which is where we imagine
they'll be.
And possibly Glenfada Park
across the road, sir.
Very good. Rubber bullets--
have the men all been issued?
-Uh, yes, sir.
Anything I haven't thought of?
Uh, I suspect press placement
would be quite important
today, sir.
Yes, winning the propaganda war.
Absolutely vital.
Who's in charge of that?
Lieutenant Hector, sir, is
our Press Liaison Officer, sir.
There are a few points
which will, um, please you.
As per your request,
both local and national coverage
will be occurring on the day
and this will be
in the main three formats
of press
from the leading tabloids
additionally from the major
television companies
and radio stations.
Talk to Colonel Tugwell
about where that's going to be
and knock that out for me,
please, Maurice.
Good. Thank you. Well done.
Thank you, Michael.
Right, you can just carry on.
So, maybe, um...
the press will congregate
around barrier 12 itself.
Then once there...
Yes, I suspect that's probably
the best location for them.
Um, they've got a clear view
down Rossville Street.
Especially Generals.
That should give us quite a bit
of press coverage
as well as showing, uh...
We're gonna have to be tough
today, Pat.
Really tough.
If there's any trouble at all,
the Paras are to counterattack.
Is that clearly understood?
Of course, Robert.
And, um...
you have my full support,
of course.
Thank you, sir.
Hello, John, Jimmy.
Should be coming round for tea.
-lvan, how's it going?
-How do, folks.
Good to see you.
So, they have blocked
the Belfast Road
which means we've got
about ten coaches stock.
All right there, boys, all set?
get those pencils sharpened.