That should give us quite a bit
of press coverage
as well as showing, uh...
We're gonna have to be tough
today, Pat.
Really tough.
If there's any trouble at all,
the Paras are to counterattack.
Is that clearly understood?
Of course, Robert.
And, um...
you have my full support,
of course.
Thank you, sir.
Hello, John, Jimmy.
Should be coming round for tea.
-lvan, how's it going?
-How do, folks.
Good to see you.
So, they have blocked
the Belfast Road
which means we've got
about ten coaches stock.
All right there, boys, all set?
get those pencils sharpened.
So, it means we've got
about ten coaches
stockpiled at the border.
Just give me
just a wee minute, Declan.
How are you going
to get them in?
I've sent Jimmy up there.
He's sorting it out.
Yeah, that's fine.
It's no bother.
We can't have ten coach loads
sitting there
with marchers on them,
doing nothing.
Relax, relax, it's fine.
We've got them coming down
for about 1 :00.
And what about the stewards?
Stewards are fine;
that's sorted.
And we got Fenner Brockway,
which is great news
but, obviously, he's not going
to march, for the legal reasons.
You'll have to give me
a couple of minutes here.
I need to see Frances.
I'll be in in two ticks,
all right?
Okay, I'm all for you, man
but we need
to kick this thing along, okay?
Listen, I was supposed
to see her last night.
-Please, help me.
-Right, just a minute.
-Right, okay.
-Very quickly, please.
Mr. Cooper,
have you got a moment?
One second.
...or voting
for Simon as well.
Right, well, you go...
I'll follow you up.
Go on you on up
and sort out through six.
-Through six?
Right, right.
Where-Where were you?
What happened to you?
I had meetings.
I'm sorry.
We're having a nightmare
with this charge.
Of course you do.
Kevin's not entirely sure
what's going on.
I have to sort it out;
I'm sorry.