Blue Crush

- Why not? - Because he already paid me.
Exactly. Eden.
I wanted to rent a jet ski tomorrow.
Put you into some size. Get you ready for Pipe.
I'll meet you at the launch at 4:00. Why not earlier?
I'll meet you there as soon as I can.
- Where we going again? - A little spot the hotel does not tell the tourists about.
Oh, my God. You drive like you surf. I drive like I wished I surfed.
Wow. This is beautiful. Yeah. I used to come here when I was a kid.
I've been dreaming about surfing all night. Aw, Minnesota's got surf stoke.
- -
- - Watch out.
How many sisters you got, Minnesota?
Uh, five. Five?
Five. Really? You're the only boy?
Uh, yep. Explains what? Well, that explains it then.
That's why you're not intimidated by women. Yeah.
Why is that funny?
Because I'm scared shitless of women.
My sisters would beat me on a regular basis. See, look.
See how I can't extend my finger? Yes.
Because my sister Dana broke it when I was eight...
