- - Watch out.
How many sisters you got, Minnesota?
Uh, five. Five?
Five. Really? You're the only boy?
Uh, yep. Explains what? Well, that explains it then.
That's why you're not intimidated by women. Yeah.
Why is that funny?
Because I'm scared shitless of women.
My sisters would beat me on a regular basis. See, look.
See how I can't extend my finger? Yes.
Because my sister Dana broke it when I was eight...
just because I wouldn't get out of her room.
Because it's broken that way,
when I throw the football, it gives it a nice little zip.
A nice little touch? Exactly.
Uh, I think we got company.
Oh, great. Yeah, I do. We gotta go. You know those guys?
Really? Yeah. Prepare to get vibed.
This place is kapu. That means off-limits to you, haole.
What's up, guys? This is a local spot.
Yeah, and I'm a local. He's not.
What's up, haole boy? Drew, back off.
We grew here, you flew here. It's not his fault.
What are you doing on our beach, haole boy?
You don't live here, you don't surf here.
We'll be out ofhere in five seconds. This is a local spot.
- This place is for the boys. - You know not to bring this guy here.
Why don't you relax, bro? Bro? You telling me bro?
- Drew, stop it. - You want some of this? Don't even touch me.