- Yeah, exactly.
- There you go, Mike.
- Okay. Thank you very much. Wow.
- I had one personally--
- That's a nice tension.
- It is and it's
a straight-shooter,
let me tell ya.
- Wow. Sweet.
Well, here's my first question:
You think
it's a little dangerous,
handing out guns in a bank?
- Ten-ho!
- Each gun makes lots
of battle sounds.
Just press the trigger,
and listen.
- That sounds like a gun battle.
Over there.
- Is it real?
- Looks like real!
Hey, it sounds like real!
- Right! The Sound-O-Power
military and western rifles
by Marx!
- This was my first gun.
I couldn't wait to go outside
and shoot up the neighbourhood.
Those were the days.
"I was born
"in Michigan
"and I wish and wish again
that I was back
"in the town where I was born"
- By the time I was a teenager,
I was such a good shot
I won the National
Rifle Association's
Markman award.
You see,
I grew up in Michigan,
a gun-lover's paradise.