Bowling for Columbine

and we'll hand you a gun.
We have a whole brochure here
that you can look at.

Once we do the background check
and everything,

it's yours to go.
- Okay. Well, all right,

well, that's the account
I'd like to open.

We have a vault, which
at all times we keep at least

500 firearms.
- Five-hundred of these,

you have in your vault?
- In our vault.

- Wow.
- We have to do
a background check.

- At the bank here?
- At the bank,

which we are a licensed
firearm dealer.

- Oh, you are? You're a bank
and a licensed firearm dealer.

What do I put for "race"?
White or Caucasian or...?

- Caucasian.
- Caucasian.

- I knew you were gonna make me
spell the... Cau-ca-sian.

Is that right?
- Yes.

I don't think that's the part
they're gonna be worried about.

"Have you ever been adjudicated
mentally defective

or have you ever been committed
to a mental institution?"

I've never been committed
to a mental institution.

What does that mean,
"Have I ever been adjudicated
mentally defective"?

- It would be something
involved with a crime.

So if I'm just normally mentally
defective but not criminal...

- Yeah, exactly.
- There you go, Mike.
- Okay. Thank you very much. Wow.

- I had one personally--
- That's a nice tension.

- It is and it's
a straight-shooter,

let me tell ya.
- Wow. Sweet.
Well, here's my first question:
You think

it's a little dangerous,
handing out guns in a bank?
