Bowling for Columbine

in the district next to mine.
On this farm
in Decker, Michigan,

McVeigh and the Nichols
brothers made practice bombs

before Oklahoma City.
Terry and James were both
arrested in connection

to the bombing.
[ TV news ]: U.S. attorneys

formally linked the Nichols
brothers of Michigan

with Oklahoma bomb suspect
Timothy McVeigh.

Officials charged James,
who was at the hearing,

and Terry, who was not,
with conspiring

to make and possess
small bombs.

- Terry Nichols was convicted
and received a life sentence.

Timothy McVeigh was executed.
But the feds

didn't have the goods on James,
so the charges were dropped.
- I'm just glad

to be out and free,
so I can get on with my life.

- Did Timothy McVeigh
ever stay here?

- Yes. Yes. He stayed here
several times.

For the longest period, about
three months or so, I dunno.

But, uh, he was a nice guy.
- Decent guy?
- Oh, yeah.

- They didn't find anything
on this farm.

- As to what,
bomb-making material?
- Any kind of explosives.

- Uh, yeah, I had blasting caps,
dynamite blasting caps,

dynamite fuse, black powder,
you know?

For muzzle loaders and...

Diesel fuel, fertilizer, but,
uh, that is normal farm stuff

that is no way connected
any way whatsoever to, uh,

the Oklahoma City bombing
or bomb making.

Them people - law enforcement,
if you wanna call 'em that -

were here and they were shaking
in their shoes.

They were physically shaking.
Scared to death.

- Of?
- Because they thought this
was gonna be another Waco.

Because certain people...
namely my ex-wife
and other people,

said I'm a radical,
I'm a wild man,

I got a gun under every arm,
down every leg and every shoe,

every corner of the house.
You say anything to me,
I'll shoot ya.

If the people find out how
they've been ripped off

and... and enslaved in this
country by the government,

by the powers-to-be...
