Man, if souls were fires,
they couldn't burn much lower than in here.
What we have here at Shady Rest
is an Egyptian soul sucker of some sort.
You know, a mummy hiding out.
Coming in here,
feeding on the sleeping.
It's perfect, you see?
We're small souls,
so we can't provide him much.
But if that thing comes back
two or three times in a row
and wraps his lips
around some elder's asshole,
that elder is going to die pretty soon.
And who would be the wiser?
A mummy can't be getting
too much energy from all this...
not like with big souls...
but the prey is easy.
With new people comin' all the time, he can
keep this up forever... this soul robbin'.
That's what they
brought us here for...
to get us out of the way
until we die.
And those who don't die first from
disease or just plain being old, he gets.
Look, that's all well and good, Jack,
but there's one thing that still throws me.
How does an ancient Egyptian
wind up in an East Texas rest home,
and why is he writin'
on the shit house walls, man?
Well, he went in to take a crap,
got bored,
started writing on the walls.
He probably wrote
on pyramid walls centuries ago.
Come on. What would he crap?
It's not like he'd eat.
Well, he eats souls.
So, I assume
that he would crap soul residue.
By that, I would mean
that if you die from his mouth,
you don't go to the other side
where the souls go.
He digests souls
until they don't exist anymore.