Buying the Cow

I'm not too fond of it either,
but what else would you call this?

A deadline.
So I'm a little indecisive.
That doesn't mean you have to hold
a gun to my head.

- Sorry.
- Don't be so melodramatic.

That's why I'm taking this transfer.
I'll be 3,000 miles away.
I can't hold a gun to your head.

- Stop saying that!
- Shit.

Admit it. You're using this transfer thing
as an ultim... Deadline.

Okay. So I wouldn't have signed up for it
if you hadn't freaked on Tyler's news.

David! What's up, what's up?
Tyler, you are wasted. Sarah.
Damn. How'd you know, my brother?
- The faux urban street slang.
- Nigger, please!

- What time is it back there, like 2:00?
- You know this city never sJeeps.

Y'all be counting on your sheep.
Listen, man,
I met the most amazing woman.

- She is...
- Fly?

Better than fly. She's super fly.
What did I tell you about drinking and
dating? Go to bed and sleep her off.

We're getting married!
You got to meet her, you and Sarah.
She's Jike...

- Super fly?
- Better than super fJy, man.

She's the one.
You know how they say
that you can just teJJ? David?

You still there, bitch?
- Yeah, I'm here. I'm just...
- This is it, man. It just hit me.

It was like a blinding realisation.
Like pure truth.
