Buying the Cow

Okay. So I wouldn't have signed up for it
if you hadn't freaked on Tyler's news.

David! What's up, what's up?
Tyler, you are wasted. Sarah.
Damn. How'd you know, my brother?
- The faux urban street slang.
- Nigger, please!

- What time is it back there, like 2:00?
- You know this city never sJeeps.

Y'all be counting on your sheep.
Listen, man,
I met the most amazing woman.

- She is...
- Fly?

Better than fly. She's super fly.
What did I tell you about drinking and
dating? Go to bed and sleep her off.

We're getting married!
You got to meet her, you and Sarah.
She's Jike...

- Super fly?
- Better than super fJy, man.

She's the one.
You know how they say
that you can just teJJ? David?

You still there, bitch?
- Yeah, I'm here. I'm just...
- This is it, man. It just hit me.

It was like a blinding realisation.
Like pure truth.

Anyway, you and Sarah got to meet her.
You're gonna Jove her. Her name's JuJie.

She's sweet, she's beautiful...
...she's "chocolicious"...
Tyler? Hello! Tyler, you okay?
Sounds like true love.
So you are leaving me alone
to deal with this for two months.

You need to be alone to deal with this.
Which is why I strongly advise you
against consulting with Mike.

BeJJissimo. Magnifico.
You are so hot!
You beast.
Is that Ricky Martin over there?
God, no. It's Mike Hanson.
You're beautiful. Modesty, now. Modesty.
I love you. No words.
