Buying the Cow

She circled my ad.
She circled my ad!
Quick Match maiJbox number 247.
You have 32 messages.
To pJay unheard messages, press three.
To deJete messages, press two.
Hola, souJ mate.
I have searched for you for a Jong time.

I think we shouJd get together.
I have dark hair,
dark eyes and a nippJe key ring.

I'm a maid, so I have Jots of keys.
Your ad intrigued me, souJ mate.
A JittJe about myseJf:
I Jove dressing up and getting down.

I'm a waJking contradiction...
:33:10, yet Jactose intoJerant.
And I yearn for someone
who enjoys big surprises.

CaJJ me.
If you'd Jike to make a caJJ,
pJease hang up and try again.
